Eamon & Quinn & Addie in 2013

1.13 -- Hello Nano!

2.13 -- Sledding! And blizzards with friends!

3.13 -- Eamon turns 8, Neal finds his inner Bernie Carbo, and we get a wonderful visit from Van. P.S. I do not know how to ice skate.

4.13 -- Epic Road Trip!

5.13 -- Q&A plant a Mother's Day flower for Nana and the boys wear handsome moustaches to Mom's reunion

6.13 -- Gettysburg, Baseball and Backyard antics -- God Bless America!

7.13 -- One Crazy Summer

8.13 -- Celebrating Bethany & Nana this month!

9.13 -- Back to school, Medford style.

10.13 -- Eamon takes the mound!

11.13 -- Addie turns four and we are blessed with a vist from the Silver Lake gang.

12.13 -- Mt. Pleasant Christmas Party and neighborhood fun!